

al-Asalî‎ III

From: 13/12/1956
To: 06/03/1958

Prime Minister Sabrî al-Asalî‎ NP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Salâh al-Dîn al-Bîtâr Ba'ath
Minister of Interior Sabrî al-Asalî‎ NP
Minister of Economy Khalîl Kallâs Ba'ath
Minister of Finance As`ad Mahissan IND
Minister of Justice and Social Affairs Ma'mûn al-Kûzbarî‎ MLA
Minister of Defence Khâlid al-`Azm DB
Minister of Education Hânî al-Sibâ`î PP
Minister of Health As`ad Hârûn NP
Minsiter of Agriculture Hâmid Khawja DB
Minister of Public Works Fâkhir al-Kayyâlî NP
Minister of the State Khâlid al-`Azm DB
Minister of the State Sâlih `Aqîl, DB

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at:
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